Premier believes in creating a better healthcare experience for each and every patient. As we move forward, we will continue our journey towards our ...
Snakes. They hide away in small nooks and crannies and come out only to get just enough sun to barely move around. Then they sit in one spot for hours ...
Our 2019 New Year’s Resolution : Helping Our Patients and All Healthcare Consumers Understand What Great Care Means Welcome to a new year! 2018 was an ...
Joshua Strommen MD, FACEP Influenza A and B are the two strands of virus that cause the coughing, aching, feverish, nauseating, head pounding ...
Joshua Strommen MD, FACEP A Freestanding Emergency Department (FSED) functions and operates as an Emergency Department (ED) does. It can be associated ...
Joshua Strommen MD, FACEP Influenza A and B are the two strands of the virus that are known to cause the coughing, aching, feverish, nauseating, ...
Our New Years Resolution? Make great care even more accessible. 2016 was an exciting year for Premier and our patients, and thanks to all of the great ...